To get an immediate temporary use card, use this link and complete the form. This card will be good for 30 days.
Get A library Card In Person
GET A LIBRARY CARD at the Customer Services Desk at the Main Building or Station Branch:
Complete an application. With signed permission of a parent or legal guardian, minors (to age eighteen) can be issued an HPL card. Show one current pieces of identification with your name and a Huntington School District #3 address. The following forms of identification are acceptable: Current NYS driver’s license Current NYS non-driver photo ID card Current NYS auto registration or insurance card Rent receipt or current lease agreement Current real estate tax receipt Property deed Any piece of mail delivered within the last 30 days Student ID or report card
Juvenile Library Cards: are issued to a child from birth through 11 years old, who has not completed 6th grade
Teen Library Cards: are issued to a youth who is at least 12 years old, not yet 18, and has completed 6th grade
Senior Library Cards: are issued to District 3 patrons that are 62 or older.
RENEW A LIBRARY CARD: Show one current piece of identification with your name and a Huntington School District #3 address.
Get A Library Card From Home
Please fill in all the information below to get a library card. You will recieve your card in the mail a few days after registering. You must reside in Huntington School District #3 in order to receive a card.